Hello to 2023! – a year that carries the energy of water –
This year is one of introspection and contemplation; of spending time by oneself, of experiencing the quietude; of seeking and gaining knowledge; of perfecting oneself in a specific field; of understanding one’s relation to all.
During this year of 2023, relationships and one’s understanding of it, plays an important role in one’s life.
A need may arise to delve deeper within oneself in an attempt to comprehend events, which may have begun around the time of 2017… and which may be gradually moving towards some form of completion/ closure…
There would also be a focus on finances and financial institutions that would continue to play a prime role in the global arena.
On a worldly level, from the month of March onwards, one would likely experience the beginnings of significant changes in the field of science and technology, organisations and society as a whole. This time period would likely be the start of a revolutionary change in the world that one may see as a new generation.
During this year, there are a total of 4 eclipses, with the two solar eclipses occurring on April 20th and October 14th 2023 respectively, and the two lunar eclipses occurring on May 5th/6th and October 28th/29th. These would be potent periods that are likely to bring about long term significant changes.
A monthly overview of 2023 –
The year 2023, itself, begins with re-doings… a time to re-fix everything that is not working right.
Hence January becomes a more active month during this year, including the month of October. These would be time periods conducive to strengthening oneself and getting things done.
February and November are time periods of tying loose ends and completing all pending matters. These two months are significant towards culminations.
March and December mark a time of new beginnings in some way. Therefore, they would be good months to start anew and afresh.
April lays emphasis on team or group work, partnerships and working alongside others supportively. It may be a sensitive time as well.
May is a good time for creative and communicative pursuits, including short journeys, friendships etc, in addition to addressing emotional matters as well.
June lays emphasis on dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. This is a time of paying attention to details. One’s daily routine would focus on attending to everyday matters.
July is a time of travel and adventure including varied learnings. This month is conducive towards new discoveries, changes and movement in all forms. Health matters may be a focal point as well.
August is a time of responsibilities, family matters and taking care of those around. In addition, it may also be a time of beautifying one’s surroundings. The focus this month would likely be on one’s relationships and domestic matters.
September would be very focused on spending time by oneself, learning, studying, acquiring knowledge, and on spiritual pursuits. For some, this may also be a time of contemplation and introspection and perhaps coming to terms with some form of loss or a feeling of emptiness within. Hence, one would tend to seek answers at this time, especially those concerning one’s relationships.
To Conclude –
In conclusion, the overall theme of this year is Patience. It is not a time for too much activity or for getting things done on a large scale, but more of a time to comprehend, in order to find the right solution to any situation or seeming problem. A time to wait and watch, to learn and to understand…
The following simple words provide helpful advise in one’s daily living –
“Purify yourself by a well-ordered and useful life. Watch over your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. This will clear your vision.”
(I Am That – Nisargadatta Maharaj)
Wishing all a Joyful New Year!!!
Good luck!