As the ending of the year draws closer, implementation would be the key word in this month of October.
The events that transpired at the beginning of the year, in the first few months, now seem to come to fruition tangibly. This would give an indication of how the coming year would tend to play out.
The work begins now, when some form of order and structure would seem to be the requirement.
The new year looks to be bringing distinct and concrete changes. Therefore the current direction would tend to lean towards setting up systems that would withstand the tests of time.
Now, does not seem to be the moment to take chances. That would wait till the following month. During this month, getting organized seems to be the priority, in order to set up a firm and solid ground.
Hence, this may be a good month to put into place some form of routine that establishes a rhythm and regularity in one’s daily living. A stable foundation would facilitate any transition that may need to take place in the coming months.
Issues relating to Mother Nature, with an emphasis on climate change, come into focus in a much more urgent manner and would perhaps be addressed with a concrete plan.
It would involve not just the authorities but everyone, in some way.
Hidden matters seem to come to light especially at the beginning of the month. There may be powerful forces at play, therefore vigilance seems to be the need of the day ,as well as honing into your sixth sense to receive some guidance.
The way of going about one’s daily living, in harmony, may be understood more clearly in the following –
A devotee asks Ramana Maharishi:
D.: What is that higher happiness?
M.: To be free from anxieties. Possessions create anxieties such as their safeguarding, their utilisation, etc. Non-possession does not bring any anxieties in its train……
Divestment of possessions is the highest happiness.
(Talk 222 – 2nd July 1936)
D.: The world is materialistic. What is the remedy for it?
M.: Materialistic or spiritual, it is according to your outlook……Make your outlook right. The Creator knows how to take care of His Creation.
D.: What is the best thing to do for ensuring the future?
M.: Take care of the present, the future will take care of itself.
(Talk 240 – 23rd August 1936)
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