Your Birthdate Reveals Your Life Lessons

Your Birthdate Reveals Your Life Lessons

Add all the digits of your birthdate together – day + month + year
Bring it down to a single digit, 1 to 9.

example: 18 + 10 + 2017 = 38 = 11 = 2

Based on the number derived, read the following to understand the main lessons that you have come here to learn…

1 – Not to be egoistic nor to be dependent on anyone, yet considering the needs of others through initiative and leadership.

2 – Not to harbor resentment due to feeling a lack of support, but to play the role of supporter with a focus on teamwork.

3 – Not to be lost in falsehood and superficiality but to see the natural optimism and joy in all things.

4 – Not to allow rigidity to block one’s progress, but to inculcate disciplinary habits that would serve one well.

5 – Not to indulge in sensationalism, yet to feel free to venture out and explore the adventurous side of life.

6 – Not to be judgmental and not to hold on due to a desire for security, but to, instead, provide a feeling of security through nurturing and serving.

7 – Not to be critical, aloof or fearful, but to keep the Faith and gain through knowledge and understanding.

8 – Not to be controlling and authoritative, yet being strong, developing the ability to take charge and showing generosity to one and all.

9 – Not to have expectations and extreme emotional bouts, but to serve one and all equally irrespective of caste or creed, friend or foe, family or stranger… all are equal.

Knowing this helps make life all the more simpler.
Understanding this helps resolve the perplexities of life.
Accepting this helps one to respond to another positively, in the manner best suited to his or her nature and understanding.

By | 2017-12-24T15:02:36+00:00 November 10th, 2017|Numerology|0 Comments

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