2018 & The World Order – A Time for Diplomacy

2018 & the world order heralds in a time of diplomacy.

The year 2016 signified an ending of a 9 year cycle. Matters reached their culmination and conclusion and many endings would have been seen.
The year 2017 heralded in a new era – a new 9 year cycle for the world. One would have seen several new beginnings and happenings on many levels, all over the world.
In the political world, 2018 calls for mediation, co-operation and adaptation.
Whatever transpired within each country in 2017, now calls for adapting to the new situation.
Diplomacy is vital at this time to get current matters resolved and move ahead.

JANUARY 2018 focuses on communication. Something new emerges at this time in matters pertaining to communication, be it in the written word or the spoken word. From this, new ideas are created and put forth. At this time, the emotions may be heightened as a result of that which has transpired. Much discussion and debate ensues as to the current events unfolding on a daily basis.

FEBRUARY 2018 focuses on establishing some form of order and system. In the aftermath of the January events, there would be a need to now create a kind of structure in order to establish some order at this time. There may appear more boundaries and restrictions, perhaps creating a feeling of confinement for some, and for others, a feeling of security.

March 2018 focuses on expansion but brings in change. There may be sudden happenings causing disruption perhaps. For some this may be freeing and liberating, while for others it may feel like a roller coaster ride. This would be a time of communication between different global organizations and countries to bring about some form of change relating to the current circumstances.

April 2018 focuses on seeing to the needs of the people. It is a time when ideals are set and there is a need to provide sustenance for the many. Land, agriculture, farming, crops come into focus, with nutrition and housing perhaps playing a central role at this time.

May 2018 focuses on financial matters and the logistics involved. Technical knowledge comes to the fore to enable the solving of the current problems being faced. It is an introspective time for the world and a time for skill training as technology advances through experimentation. Perhaps there may be losses experienced for some and for others, perhaps a time of understanding. Yet for some it may be perhaps a time of fear and for others, a time of faith.

June 2018 focuses on power and authority issues with an emphasis on gaining control. Materialism may be addressed at this time, seeing its worthiness or worthlessness as each forms their own perspective of the world as it stands today. The one that is strong benefits at this time and the weak fall prey to their fears. This is a time of taking charge of matters and of being strong. But the focus is always towards the betterment of mankind, though it is not necessarily so that it would play out this way. For some, having the thirst for power, events may move in a different direction, while for others, with the well being of the world in mind, there would be a beneficial outcome.

July 2018 focuses on culminations and conclusions. For some it may be a time of reward. For others there may be a change of guard or an ending of an old guard, system or team. This time may not appear so simple and easy at any level, as there would be much to reconcile with, based on the recent events. Yet, it brings in a sense of relief through understanding if one is able to inculcate faith and let go of fears. This is a time when charitable organizations and groups that give aid to the people on all levels, would come to the fore. Their work would be done well and many would benefit and gain from selfless service.

August 2018 focuses on new beginnings towards negotiations. This a time to form new groups and associations towards a more harmoniously balanced world. Political leaders and heads of organizations and teams, coming together at this time to give direction to the people, is of prime importance. It would help to have someone take charge and lead the way. But this may result in harmony or disharmony, depending on each one’s perspective of the current situation.

September 2018 focuses on diplomatic relationships and co-operation. This is a time when mediation would be required and adaptation to the current circumstances. The energies of the year peak at this time and brings forth what is to come in the following year. Hence, it is a very important time that would relate directly to the events that would transpire in 2019. When the people group together and speak from their heart, matters would tend to move forward in a direction of unity.

October 2018 focuses on a new round of communication which brings in new ideas and thoughts and perhaps a creation of leadership roles. There may be a brighter and fresher outlook at this time after the events of the previous months reach their conclusion. But for others it may be a time of expressing one’s emotions with the intention of releasing the built up and pent up feelings, that may have risen to the fore. Expression itself would lead one to newer avenues, whether positive or negative.

November 2018 focuses on building a base at this time so the foundation holds strong. The formation of groups, organizations, teams now desires to stand strong and lay its roots, firmly grounded. This is a time when a system may develop in order to continue with the present order created. There may be more stability now than there would have been in the prior months.

December 2018 focuses on communicative expansion. Technology moves ahead as 2019 approaches. There may be sudden surprises at this time. For some, a time of freedom and for others a time of expansion. The cultural gap between countries narrows down as communication facilitates and permeates every walk of life and, in some cases, eliminates the existing boundaries. The world becomes more integrated, whether harmonious to some or disharmonious to some. An irreversible merging happens and for many, it would a time to come to terms with this way of life.

By | 2018-01-08T06:28:06+00:00 January 8th, 2018|Numerology|0 Comments

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