Numerology 2022-08-29T12:18:10+00:00



“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages.”

(As You Like It, Act II Scene VII by William Shakespeare 1564-1616)

 ‘Numero’ comes from the Latin word ‘Numerus’ meaning ‘a number’ added to the English word ‘logy’, derived from the medieval latin word ‘logia’, indicating a discourse or speech. Hence, Numerology is described as the branch of knowledge that deals with the significance of numbers.

We all have a birthdate and a birth name.

Our Birthdate is made up of numbers. Every alphabet in our name are assigned numbers.

The study of Numerology is a way to decode or reveal the vibratory patterns of our numbers, in order to help us to understand ourselves and our life in a more comprehensive way. In the same way, it helps to give clarity in our relationships with our family and friends as well. With this understanding of the vibratory patterns of numbers, an Acceptance arises and helps to create a more balanced approach to one’s relationships, in one’s daily living and to life as a whole.

Hence, Numerology, represented by number symbols, may be said to act as a guide on how to harmoniously navigate our way along our life’s journey.

How does Numerology work?

Everything in this universe of time and space is energy, vibrating at different frequencies. These different vibratory frequencies are symbolised by numbers.

Each of the numbers, reduced from 1 to 9, represent an archetype. These archetypes collectively represent the qualities, tendencies and characteristics inherent in human beings and in all forms existent in this universe of time and space. In addition, they symbolise circumstances and events and would therefore reveal the nature of a situation at any given time.

As everything is interconnected, each human being’s pattern is invariably unique. For the combination of one’s birthdate and name is what creates one’s numerology chart.

In conclusion, numbers, by themselves, do not make things happen. They instead reveal to us the overall vibratory patterns prevalent in our life. Knowing this helps us to be in harmony with the universal energies. This occurs through the understanding and acceptance of our relationships and life situations, thereby contributing towards a more harmonious and peaceful existence.